Max Hastings on The Nazi Mind, Twelve Warnings from History , Sunday Times Culture Review

Ian Kershaw, Hitler’s biographer, Applauds The Nazi Mind, Twelve Warnings from History as ‘timely, relevant and important’. Max H adds: There is a name missing…which will nonetheless be in the mind of his every reader, as I am sure it is in Kershaw’s: Trump…

Trump has indeed threatened to make himself an absolute ruler…The system…is what what Trump is pledged to attack, and even to destroy, probably with the aid of a US Supreme Court and Congress already frighteningly warped to his will’.

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Dead right (watch the apprentice movie). What worries me is the way liberal commentators play down the threat he, Musk and

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Others pose to the democratic order and insouciantly poohpooh any suggestion of a return to the 1930s

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